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Medical services at DMCH, other hospitals resume in full swing

After two days of operations on a limited scale, medical services resumed in full swing across all departments of Dhaka Medical College Hospital and other hospitals of the country.
Abdul Ahad, resident surgeon of the neurosurgery department at DMCH, said around 11:45am, “From this morning, we have started full medical services at DMCH and other hospitals of the country.
“Members of the army, BGB and other law enforcement agencies have been deployed at various hospitals, including DMCH,” he said.
“However, the district and upazila level health centres does not have enough security members to ensure the safety for the doctors,” he added.
During a press conference yesterday evening, Abdul Ahad said, “Considering the visible actions taken by the government to address our demands and the overall situation in the country, we are announcing the resumption of full services in all hospitals nationwide. No new movements have been announced.”
He also mentioned that the hospital administration has met their demand for increased security for doctors, and the person who attacked the doctors has been arrested.
The government deployed members of the army, police, and law enforcement at DMCH starting the day before yesterday.
Doctors and medical students initiated a strike on Sunday morning with a four-point demand following the attack on two doctors in the neurosurgery department of DMCH on Saturday.
This eventually led to a nationwide strike by doctors, nurses, interns, and medical students in both public and private hospitals. However, most private and some public hospitals did not participate in the strike.
After receiving assurances that their demands would be met, they began returning to work on a limited basis around 8:00pm on Sunday, about 10 hours after the strike was called.
Limited services continued on Monday and Tuesday.
